Marco Patrito Marco Patrito has been among the first artists feeling at ease moving from traditional techniques to computer graphics. It was a passage easily allowed by his capacity to accept any tool as an innovative way of artistic expression, discovering what at the time was considered a new fantastic universe, a world where the drawing stops to be two-dimensional. Before this metamorphosis occurred anyway there were many years made of acrylic colors, paper, pencils and airbrush. Inside this CD we’ll talk also about those years, just glancing through the images of his artistic career. Marco Patrito was born in Turin in 1952. He attended a high school specializing in artistic disciplines and graduated with a degree in architecture. For some time he was a painter, a photographer and an advertiser. In 1984 he began to work as a comics author publishing some graphic novels in France with Dargaud Editeur and Edition Glénat. Afterwards his stories were published throughout Europe. Simultaneously Marco began to realize covers for science fiction books, and for ten years, beginning from 1990, he collaborated with Mondadori. During this period more than 150 covers were published for the greatest science fiction authors in the Urania series, Classici Urania, MystBooks and Interno Giallo, particularly for all the novels by Isaac Asimov. Marco collaborated also with many Europeans and American publishers realizing covers for SF books and magazines. In 1991 his interest in computers kept growing and just that year Sinkha was born, the first multimedia story wholly realized in 3D computer graphics. At the same time Marco tried to reach a good 2D simulation of his painting techniques in order to use computers even for classic illustrations which needed to keep a look of the traditional way of drawing. So gradually computers replaced the brushes in realizing SF covers, while he worked full time finishing Sinkha. Sinkha has been published worldwide with a great success of critics and sales. The work, a mixture of illustration, motion picture, fiction and comics, has been representing a new, experimental, fascinating way of telling stories. A comics version on printed paper appeared in the Fall '96 Special Edition issue of the famous American magazine Heavy Metal, while the CD version came distributed also in Japan. Currently Marco is working at a series of adventures taking place in the Sinkha Universe, realized completely with 3D computer graphics. Each episode will get published as a graphic novel as well as a multimedia version on CD-Rom.